About Iconica

Iconica underwear stands for making women's lives easier. We believe that no one should be restricted during their period. Having a period is nothing to be ashamed of, but rather something to be proud of. We are committed to breaking taboos around menstruation and ensuring well-being and equal opportunities for all girls and women. Having access to menstrual protection is not a luxury, it is a human right.

It is estimated that women spend up to €7 000 on menstrual protection in their lifetime. This is a cost that no woman can avoid. We argue that everyone should have access to affordable menstrual protection.

We also believe that everyone should be able to choose more durable menstrual protection without it costing a fortune. The planet is not something we take for granted, which is why Iconica period panties are washable and reusable. By offering high quality reusable period underwear, we hope more people will switch from disposable protection.

Polaroid photos of girls wearing the ICONICA period panties